Yesterday, we reflected on the act of receiving the Imago Dei within our creation. Today, we highlight how the Imago Dei is not only our first and primary source of identity, but also our purpose. What a gift it is that we have the answer to “Who am I?” and “What is my purpose?” in the first couple chapters of the Bible!
Being made in the image of God means primarily we are spiritual beings—we have a spirit as God is of spirit. We hold an eternal element in our being. God not only wanted us, he wants us FOREVER! The creator of the universe wants us for eternity. Us. We were designed to be 1) with Him. That is our main purpose. And 2) as the creation account tells us, we were given work to do in caring for his creation and 3) we were placed within community to continue to dwell in His glory (that was the Garden of Eden) and continue our work.
Continue to reflect on the simplicity of our identity and purpose. That doesn’t mean it is easy, but it is laid out directly and simply. May we not overcomplicate it, for just today, and see what the Holy Spirit may bring to mind as we continue to get to our core.