Journal: My Sin; God’s Grace

Journal: My Sin; God’s Grace


Coming off of our calm week, this week’s devotionals are going to be practice based. I’ve heard it said that writing produces clarity. Most of us don’t often talk or write about the topics we talked about in this campaign. Therefore, they can easily remain fuzzy concepts in our mind. This leaves us with a lack of appreciation for the irresistible nature of the gospel and leaves us stumbling with the proper words to say in conversation when these topics come up. So, this week I’m going to ask you to journal on some of the topics we covered in this campaign.

Remember, our big idea for this whole campaign is that the gospel is so good we should all want it to be true.

For today, journal on the following questions:

  1. Jot down some of the ways you have violated the moral law.
  2. What are some ways you tend to overlook or excuse your sin?
  3. What has God done in Jesus in response to your violation of the moral law?
  4. Why is the gospel better than the alternatives to dealing with our violations of the moral law?
