This week, being the last teaching week (next week we will focus on practices) in the campaign on The Irresistible Gospel, I figured we would review the topics we discussed in our campaign. Remember, the big idea of this whole campaign is that the gospel is so irresistible that whether you’re a Christian or not you should want it to be true. To reveal how the gospel is so irresistible, we’ve been looking at how the gospel’s answers to life’s biggest questions are not only true but utterly compelling as well.
The place to begin is origin. Where do we come from?
Sara Schnake preached this sermon so here I am summarizing her teaching.
Genesis 1:26-28 tells us that God created humans in His image and gave them dominion over the earth and its creatures. This shows God's love and plan for us, as well as our purpose. We are, therefore, loved and wanted by God from the beginning. Our purpose in Genesis 1 is revealed to be threefold:
- Live with God
- Care for His creation as stewards
- Live in community.
Don't overcomplicate it, but seek simplicity and the leading of the Holy Spirit.
In Genesis 3 sin entered the world, causing a destructive nature of self-reliance. The alternatives to the gospel story of origin leaves humanity with an identity and purpose outside of God. This leaves us exhausted and unsatisfied because our identity isn’t grounded in the transcendent and our purpose is too small and incomplete. Only in the gospel’s explanation of our origin can we find the good news of our true identity and our true purpose.
In Genesis 1-3 we find our origin story. We also see glimpses of God's salvation plan. He covers and cares for Adam and Eve, calling them by their names and providing a way for salvation. This points us ahead to God’s redemption plan in Christ. Christ's sacrifice allows us to continue in our eternal identity and purpose, to be with God. Believe and come out of hiding, knowing that He will cover and care for you.
Let the tenderness and thoughtfulness of God’s work in creation sink into your heart and mind.
Reflect on the imago dei, our core identity, and how it should guide our lives.
Confess and reconcile any areas where you are searching for yourself in things other than your Creator.