We’ve been reflecting on the good creation and unique creation of humanity, in an attempt to get back to our core. Back to what was meant to be our basic building blocks and foundations, to who we are and why we exist. Because, as we know, we overcomplicate it. As the fall happened in Genesis 3, sin entered the world, as did the destructive nature of Self-Reliance. A belief that we don’t need God and a belief that we don’t need one another. Yet, that defiles and resists what our VERY CREATION comes to realize! No wonder we are left exhausted, feeling unseen, sensing few answers or finding unsatisfactory outlets or beliefs. It denies our nature. We hunt and crave it because we know it’s there. We are searching for our creator because it is with him we need to be. We were created to be in the garden, dwelling and walking with Him.
Have you felt those urges to understand yourself? Have you sought out labels or achievements or outlets for identity and purpose? Have you fell tired from them? Have any of them left you wanting for more? How often do we come back to the core?
Consider if there is any confession to be made, today, in where we are looking for ourselves other than with our Creator. Where do we need to reconcile in putting that pressure on ourselves, on others? Come out of the bush. You don’t need answers, you just need to say, “Here I am” as God is looking to walk with you.