Prayer is our communication and communion with God
Communication and communion are essential components of any relationship yet they don’t come naturally for many of us. It especially doesn’t come naturally to communicate and commune with God, who is always with us but not tangibly present as a fellow human. This will take practice so don’t be frustrated if you don’t feel like you’re good at it first. Keep practicing and I promise you’ll improve.
Types of Prayer
There are many different forms of prayer. Please don’t be overwhelmed by this list. I share this with you to help you not get stagnant in your prayer life. Like our human communication there are many different ways in which we can communicate with God. If you feel stagnant in your prayer life try adding a different form of prayer to your practice of prayer. If it helps you connect with God continue it. If it doesn’t move on to another form of prayer. The type of prayer is the vehicle, not the goal. The goal is being with God and communicating with him.
- Intercessory Prayer
- The Lord’s Prayer
- The Jesus Prayer
- Pray the Psalms
- Contemplative Prayer
- Imaginative Prayer
- Practice the Presence of God
- Praise
- Spontaneous Prayer
- Pray Your Emotions
- Examen
Pray through a list or needs you’re aware of.
Pray through the Lord’s Prayer in your own words
Throughout your day repeat to yourself, “Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” (Lk. 18:13, 38)
Pray a Psalm back to God or meditate on any passage of Scripture.
Sit “with” God, slow your breathing, direct (and redirect!) your thoughts to Him. When you get distracted, don’t feel bad. Instead, view it as an opportunities to return your thoughts to God.
Imagine yourself as a character in a Bible story. Pray through your schedule and imagine Jesus with you throughout your day.
Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication
Do your best to be conscious of God’s presence with you throughout your day. It usually helps to set a reminder to pause and acknowledge God’s presence at a few points in your day.
Simply tell God how awesome He is. Put on some worship music and just worship.
Take a walk and thank God for whatever strikes you as beautiful. Lament if something strikes you as sad, etc
If you’re joyful, thank God for the good that has brought you joy. If you’re angry, tell God about it. If you’re depressed, tell God why and cast your burdens on him. Journaling these prayers helps.
At the end of each day think through your day and be mindful of when you were aware of God’s presence and when you weren’t. End with a prayer to be more aware of God’s presence throughout your day.
To Get Started
- Carve out 10 minutes to be alone with God.
- Start with the Lord’s Prayer in Matt. 6:9-13. This is your bread and butter as it is Jesus’ teaching on how to pray. Pray through it in your own words.