

Sabbath is a time to stop, rest and worship.

The Sabbath is a counter-formational practice in our modern culture where many of us have adopted a practice of working without ceasing. We are taught to value that lifestyle. In the Sabbath, however, God commanded the people of Israel to take a day to rest. Now, I don’t believe we, in the New Covenant community of faith, are required to follow the Sabbath as a law. It is however wise spiritual practice, especially in our driven culture.

To Get Started

  1. Choose a time period to Sabbath. Ideally this is a 24 hour period, but if you’re just starting start with 4 hours.
  2. Decide what you are not going to do. Here’s some suggestions:
    1. Work
    2. Tinker
    3. Entertainment
  3. Plan out what you are going to do. Here’s some suggestions:
    1. Attend church
    2. Pray
    3. Read
    4. Nap
    5. Talk with loved ones
    6. Veg
    7. Take a walk

Don’t be legalistic about your Sabbath! That cuts against the point of the practice, which is to find rest for your soul and enjoy communion with God and others.

Additional Resources