In serving others we tangibly fulfill the Law of Christ to love our neighbors.
Jesus did not come to be served but to serve (Matt. 20:28). Therefore, as followers of Jesus, we should follow his example and make service to others a core practice in the Christian life.
One of our core values at LifeBridge is Service:
We put our faith into action by cultivating the good work of God’s kingdom, sharing the good news of Jesus, and loving our neighbors.
Opportunities to Serve at LifeBridge
- Local Outreach and Care
- LifeBridge Kids Co-op
- Connection Team
- Vision Partnership Ministry Teams
- Outreach and Mission Trips
We try to connect individual needs in our community with those who can meet those needs. Fill out the Impact Profile and indicate what services you are able to do and you will be contacted when a need arises.
Every Sunday volunteers with LifeBridge Kids serve the kids in our church by being a consistent, Godly presence and guiding them towards Christ. If you’re interested in serving in LifeBridge Kids please fill our out Impact Profile and indicate that you would like to learn more about LifeBridge Kids.
Every Sunday the connection team serves our the church by making coffee, providing security, holding doors, praying for people, etc. If you’re interested in serving on the connection team please fill out the Impact Profile and indicate what you would be willing to do in connection ministry.
After you’ve been attending for a while and decided to make LifeBridge your home church, Vision Partnership is the next step to get more involved. A part of being a Vision Partner is serving on a Ministry Team. Vision Partnership is a 9 month commitment for the school year. Each year it is open in summer. If you’re interested in joining Vision Partnership please fill out the Vision Partner Form and we will reach out to you in the summer. At the August meeting you will have an opportunity to sign up for Vision Partnership.
TBD. We hope to provide opportunities in the coming years to serve through foreign mission trips and even national outreach trips.
*These are not to be thought of as opportunities to check “service” off of our to-do lists and move on. Instead, these are opportunities to encourage and spur us all on towards a life of service. The goal is to live our lives on mission for Jesus, serving others in every aspect of life: family, work, community, neighborhood, etc.
Scripture calls us to serve in our gifts. We have all been given gifts by the Spirit to serve others in the church with. The assessment below can help you discover your gifts if you don’t already know them.