Moses’ Shining Face

Moses’ Shining Face


When Moses went into the presence of God he would emerge with a shining face.

Exodus 34:29–35 (NIV)

The Radiant Face of Moses

29 When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the covenant law in his hands, he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with the Lord. 30 When Aaron and all the Israelites saw Moses, his face was radiant, and they were afraid to come near him. 31 But Moses called to them; so Aaron and all the leaders of the community came back to him, and he spoke to them. 32 Afterward all the Israelites came near him, and he gave them all the commands the Lord had given him on Mount Sinai.

33 When Moses finished speaking to them, he put a veil over his face. 34 But whenever he entered the Lord’s presence to speak with him, he removed the veil until he came out. And when he came out and told the Israelites what he had been commanded, 35 they saw that his face was radiant. Then Moses would put the veil back over his face until he went in to speak with the Lord.

This is a little weird but it simply implies that Moses was so close to to God that he was beginning to shine with his glory. God’s glory was reflecting onto Moses. Last week we saw Moses trying to talk God out of his anger when the people built the golden calf. Then when Moses saw the idolatry of the people he burned with anger himself. Moses was beginning to take on God’s character from his time in God’s presence. So here he is beginning to shine with the glory of God because of his time in God’s presence.

We will carry this further on Friday, but for today, walking in the Christian life begins and ends in the presence of God. So many Christians attempt to conform to the character of Christ in their own willpower and discipline. Those are needed and helpful but they can only get you so far—we need the presence and power of God to change. I always think of it like a scrawny little dude (like me) trying fight a big strong dude in his own power, when a bigger, stronger dude (like Tim Cisler) is standing there eager to help me. So in your fight with sin, with fear, with wounds, turn to the presence of God always


Spend time just sitting with God today. I love to imagine Jesus sitting with me when I pray. Just sit with him in his presence. You don’t have to say anything if you don’t have the words. You can if you want to but you can also just sit.