The last two days, we've been talking about discovering and clarifying our values. Today, we are just going to schedule a few meetings to establish our values. If you haven't had the meeting from part 2 yet, that's okay. Let's still blaze ahead and you can come back to this page to reference later, when you have your meetings.
When I say, "Establish our values," I mean to confirm that we actually do value these things, we have a fairly comprehensive list, and we are committing to living by them. To do this, we are going to schedule three meetings for the future. These meetings are outlined in the document I've attached, below. For today, just get the meetings on the calendar and read the document on what you will be doing in each.
If you've already written out your values and haven't had an annual meeting about them, discuss them with the other decision makers in your house. Talk through some events over the last year that have illustrated each value.
My prayer for all of us in this process is threefold:
- That we would establish values that are aligned with God's Word and His kingdom.
- That we would live by them with integrity and perseverance.
- That we would become the people whom He has called to become, in Christ.
Philippians 1:27 Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.