Yesterday, we looked at the value of having family values. (That sentence seems redundant but I think it works.) Today, we will look at a couple of examples to get you thinking along the path of what this can look like. Below, you'll find the LifeBridge Values and the Adams Family Values. Savanna and I put together our family values soon after we put together the values for the church, so they are in a similar format. You don't have to use this format, but feel free to use it if you'd like to. Do what works for you.
LifeBridge Values
We Overvalue Relationships
Because they shape, change, and grow us.
We Fight for Life-Changing Community.
It’s never easy, but it’s always worth it.
We Stay on Message.
Jesus is ours, so we talk about him a lot. Everything else takes a back seat.
We Maximize our Impact.
Through collective effort, strong partnerships, and focused priorities.
We Reach Out.
Because Jesus has called us to love our city and our world.
We are Called to be Generous.
With our resources and our attitudes.
We Invest in Families
By supporting marriages and partnering with parents to raise Christ-centered kids.
We Dream Big.
Because our God is big.
Adams Family Values
INTEGRITY because we know who we are so we live like it.
ADVENTURE because serving God isn't safe but it's good.
GENEROSITY because everything we have is a gift.
HEALTH because God created all of who we are.
COMMUNITY because relationships are worth the sacrifice.
Proverbs 29:18 18 Where there is no revelation, people cast off restraint; but blessed is the one who heeds wisdom’s instruction.
Be thinking about some of those big words that represent your values. How have you spent your time, resources and capacities in ways that represent your values over the last few years? What would you like to be doing more of, that you currently aren't doing? What would you like to be doing less of, that you're currently doing, that doesn't align with your values?
If you've already written your values up, take the time today to read them again or reflect on how you've been using them in your home. Did you just write them and forget about them? Have they helped you determine direction, set standards and clarify decisions? How can you talk about them more in your home?