Wednesday Feb. 24: Discovering Our Values

Now it's time to start putting together your values. Think of this process in 3 parts:

  1. Discover
  2. Clarify
  3. Establish

Today, we are just going to do Part 1: Discovery. You'll do this first part individually, so block off some time, today, to work on this. I've attached the document that we use for the workshop, below. On page 3 you'll see a long list of words. Circle the words that best describe your values. Circle up to 10. The next few days, we will work on narrowing this list down.

This is where your spiritual formation comes in. The idea is that your values, that you list here, should be informed by the truth of Scripture and your desire to seek God's kingdom first. Be sure this is the case, as you are discovering these values.

If you didn't get enough time to finish this in the time you have right now, block out some time in your calendar this week to finish this up.

If you've already crafted your values, look over them again. Think on whether or not there are values you've recently discovered, that are missing on your list. Or if there are some values that you should, perhaps, remove from your list.

Matthew 6:33 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

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