Psalm 23:1-3
1 The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
2 He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
3 he refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.
We will cover this text today and tomorrow, dividing it up into 2 sections.
As we saw yesterday the image of the shepherd implies provision, protection and direction. Whereas all three themes are present in these first three verses, the first one David emphasizes is the provision aspect of the shepherd. He says it as plainly as one can say it, "I lack nothing." Because YAHWEH is his shepherd David expresses that he has no needs unmet. This is an incredible statement of trust in God's provision, especially considering the narrative arch of David's life. On many occasions he went without food and shelter fleeing from Saul and his son Absalom. In spite of the hardships in his life he can find contentment because YAHWEH is his shepherd.
The pictures he creates next give a vivid description of the type of provision the Shepherd provides his sheep. First, "he makes me lie down in green pastures." The verb used here is an awkward construct to translate into English. Most translations go with "He makes me lie down...". This is an attempt to bring out the causative nature of the verb tense used here. The subject is the one causing the action of the verb. Here it is YAHWEH causing the sheep to rest. The image evoked here and elsewhere in the OT (Ezek. 34:15) is not of the shepherd commanding the sheep to "lie down" as I command my dog and my rambunctious children at bed time. Instead the image is of the shepherd providing the environment of abundance and peace for the sheep to lie down and rest peacefully. The language is similar to that of Genesis 2:15 which literally could be translated, "The LORD God took the man and rested him in the garden of Eden...". So this language is quite familiar to the OT reader. It is God who provides the environment and even rests his sheep. This obviously carries the connotation of God's leadership, direction and provision for his people.
He carries this image forward by saying that The LORD leads him beside quiet waters. Again, implying another environment of provision and rest. Again, this provision and rest is the result of God's leadership and direction.
Take a few moments today and visualize yourself in the scenes David describes here—resting in a green pasture with Jesus, sitting alongside a quiet stream, walking Jesus along a smooth path.