Tuesday: Psalm 119:9-10

Psalm 119:9–16

9 How can a young person stay on the path of purity?

By living according to your word.

10 I seek you with all my heart;

do not let me stray from your commands.

The psalmist begins this section with a mini, hypothetical question and answer session. The use of a young man reflects the tumultuous nature of this phase of life and the ease at which young men stray from the path of purity.

Psalm 73:13 and Proverbs 20:9 ask similar questions but leave the reader without a guiding answer. Notably in Psalm 73 the psalmist is lamenting the success of the wicked and essentially wondering why he should "stay on the path of purity". Psalm 119 is kinda the antidote to that. In this section it gives us the "how", in others throughout the chapter it gives us the "why".

It should be noted that the word purity doesn't just refer to sexual purity. It's broader, referencing moral purity in general.

The answer to the question is simple in theory but difficult in practice. A young man keeps his way pure by living according to God's word. Word (dābār) implies everything that God has spoken both his words to Abraham (Gen. 17:1) and his laws given to Moses (Ex. 3:5).

The beauty and wonder that Psalm 119 ultimately explores is that God speaks! Too often we take this for granted. We are not left wandering through life wondering how God would have us live or what we need to do to please him. He has told us! He has made it clear in Scripture. Contrary to any other false god other cultures worshipped, this made following God a delight.

Heart here refers to the seat of our feelings and emotions. It is where you think, make sense of the world and make decisions. It is a large part of your inner life.

Commands here carries the connotation of the practical application of God's words. His word and his law are applied in practical commands—do this, not this!


  1. Reflect on that first question: How can I stay on the path of purity. Is this a question you've asked yourself before? Are you really striving for holiness?
  2. Seeking God with all of your heart consists of a desire to not stray from his commands. Pray the words of the psalmist back to God, "I seek you with all of my heart, don't let me stray from your commands."