Friday: The LORD Reigns

Psalm 146:10

10 The LORD reigns forever,

your God, O Zion, for all generations.

Praise the LORD.

The psalmist caps off the chapter with verse 10. This verse is another reminder of God's eternality and ultimate reign, contrasted with the frailty of the human rulers. Again, the question the psalmist places before the reader is, who will you put your trust in? Will you trust in God or human rulers?


Going into an election season this Psalm seems particularly relevant. Spend a few moments reflecting on the object of your trust. If you've been finding yourself completely engrossed in the political scene lately or getting constantly angry with the opposing party or believing grandiose statements like "if my guy loses it will be the end of America", those are indicators that perhaps you're trusting too much in earthly rulers and not enough in God. Recommit to trusting in God.