Each night this week practice praying prayer of examine. Before you fall asleep each night think through your day ask yourself the following questions: (The questions are going to relate to our redeeming work series)
- When was I most aware of God's presence?
- When was I least aware of God's presence?
- Was I working with the realization that my work is good, fulfilling the creation mandate?
- Was I working with the realization that my work is participating with Christ in the redemption of creation?
- Did I find fulfillment in my work today?
- Was I able to give my work to God today?
- Did I experience the rest that Jesus offers working with him from Matthew 11:28-30.
After asking those questions...
- Thank God for his presence with you throughout your day. Thank him for any successes in your work and the rest he gives you in Jesus.
- Repent of any times you failed to recognize his presence and give him glory for your success. Repent of any sins and times you failed to be the person Jesus calls you to be. Repent of any failures to be salt and light in your sphere of influence.
- Confess your identity as a child of God. Take comfort in knowing that you are accepted by God apart from your performance?
- Pick one thing to commit to being better at tomorrow.
Put an alarm on you phone to remind you to do this each night before you fall asleep.