This week we are coming off of our calm week in this campaign, so our devotionals will be short and focused on a particular practice to help you live out what we talked about in this campaign.
This campaign we talked a lot about surrendering to the Spirit and allowing His power to flow through us for new life, ministry, spiritual growth, etc. It’s probably impossible to live a life in the Spirit without a regular practice of silence and solitude. Jesus, in the midst of his busy ministry, would often withdraw to lonely places and pray (Lk. 5:16). He knew this was where his ministry was really done. Dallas Willard, in The Spirit of the Disciplines, often says that we want to behave like Jesus in the tense, public moments of his ministry but we are unwilling to do the private practices that prepared him for those moments. Silence and solitude is one of those practices that we must adopt to be prepared to live like Jesus in the moment.
In silence and solitude we hear the conviction of the Spirit. In silence and solitude we hear the Spirit guiding us in ministry and life choices. In silence and solitude we experience the presence of God most tangibly and uniquely. We hear the truth of God that we need to hear in the moment in silence and solitude.
For our practice today, check out the silence and solitude page on our list of spiritual practices on MyLifeBridge and plan out how you are going to practice it this week.