Vision Statement

Vision Statement

A Kingdom-Bringing Community

  • Where we are working to do our part in bringing the Kingdom of God to earth, knowing that only Jesus can perfect this work.
  • Where we compassionately seek justice for the oppressed and the marginalized, knowing that they bear the image of God.
  • Where we gather to worship, longing for and inviting more of the presence of God.
  • Where we point people to Christ for their salvation and disciple them into a growing relationship with him.

A God-Honoring Community

  • Where we are fulfilling our core purpose as individuals and as a community: to be with God and bring glory to his name.
  • Where we gather to worship God as sacred, holy, and worthy.

A Christ-Centered Community

  • Where our theology is centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • Where Jesus is exalted and joyfully served as lord and king of his kingdom.

A Spirit-Filled Community

  • Where the fruits of the Spirit are abundant evidence of the work of the Holy Spirit.
  • Where the gifts of the Spirit are welcome and present; ministering to the church body in orderly, selfless, and God-honoring ways.

A Bible-Believing Community

  • Where the Bible authoritatively guides our belief and practice.
  • Where the Bible is taught faithfully and accurately.
  • Where there is an uncompromising commitment to the truth of the gospel.

A Life-Giving Community

  • Where we find joy in using our gifts to serve the body of Christ.
  • Where we live and give generously.
  • Where we meet each other’s spiritual and physical needs.
  • Where we encourage and build each other up.
  • Where we willingly give up some individual freedom to find community and purpose.

A Disciple-Making Community

  • Where we’re continually becoming more like Christ.
  • Where we make new disciples and welcome them into our community.
  • Where our Sunday gatherings equip Christians for mission in their context.
  • Where we are not isolated, but have strong and trusted presence in our local community.

A Relationship-Driven Community

  • Where spiritual formation and growth is driven by Christ-centered relationships, not by church programs.
  • Where we gather, are present, and engage each other in person.
  • Where we do the hard work of building deep, meaningful relationships.
  • Where we are committed to maintaining relationships within the church in the midst of differences of non-essential doctrine and opinions, believing that our differences make for a stronger and healthier church
  • Where relationships are healthy; maintaining boundaries, practicing forgiveness, and making peace.

A Faithfully-Led Community

  • Where strong and healthy teams of leaders make decisions and lead the church.
  • Where those in authority lead not through control, domineering, or manipulation; but through selflessness, relationship, openness, and accountability.
  • Where operations, decisions, and finances are handled with integrity and transparency.
  • Where leaders continue to grow and be developed.

A Family-Supporting Community

  • Where we effectively partner with parents to raise Christ-centered kids.
  • Where we invest in the health and strength of marriages.
  • Where we function as extended family, with a sense of shared responsibility for each other.
  • Where we fill in the gaps for single-parent and blended families.