Vision Partnership
Vision Partnership

Vision Partnership

Why We Started Vision Partnership

We recognized a need to give more ownership and leadership opportunities to people who were invested in our church. Vision partnership gives us a framework for good, healthy, shared ministry. Still, like anything else, the success of Vision Partnership comes down to what we invest into it.

What is Vision Partnership?

In a nutshell Vision Partnership is about partnering with us all to carry forward the vision of LifeBridge Church. It is a school year commitment to carry forward the vision in the following ways:

  1. Partnering in our Vision, by affirming our Vision StatementVision Statement
  2. Pursuing Healthy Relationships, by affirming our Relational CovenantRelational Covenant
  3. Doing Ministry Together, by being a part of a Ministry TeamMinistry Team.
  4. Meeting Together, by prioritizing and attending Vision Partner MeetingsVision Partner Meetings.
  5. Growing Together, by pursuing DiscipleshipDiscipleship with one another.


Vision Partner Interest Form

Vision Partner Commitment Web Form

Page Links

DiscipleshipDiscipleshipRelational CovenantRelational CovenantVision StatementVision Statement

Vision Partner MeetingsVision Partner Meetings

Ministry TeamMinistry Team